Mathews Journal of Cytology and Histology (MJCH; ISSN 2577-4158) is a scholarly journal that publishes high-quality research that emphasizes clinicopathological correlations in an environment that is patient-centered, technological advancements in basic and translational research with particular emphasis on the development of personalized medicine, and novel or improved molecular techniques and their applications in diagnosis or disease monitoring. Such research touches on a variety of topics, such as cytology, cytopathology, cytogenetics, cytometry, cytotechnology, histology, histopathology, cell growth, cell biology, cell physiology, cell signaling, Cell Adhesion, neurocytology, cytotoxicity, cell fractionation, cellular microbiology, immunofluorescence, and immunohistochemistry.
Preference is also given to scholarly works dealing with new innovative tools aimed at educating medical personnel and at designing and implementing newer assessment and evaluation strategies. This journal duly addresses and highlights issues pertaining to population health and public policy making. This bimonthly journal intends to be a flag-bearer in cytology/histology research by establishing professional quality standards, thereby ensuring diagnostic excellence; advocating laboratory quality and safety; advocating inter-professional education for pathologists, cytologists and allied health care professionals.
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High Visibility: The open-access format followed by MJCH allows for global dissemination of the published articles.
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Rigorous peer review: Every manuscript submitted undergoes a thorough and rigorous double-blind peer-review. This process eliminates subjective judgments and bias from the decision making process.
We welcome all types of articles related to Cytology and Histology. For submission assistance contact: Please follow the Author Guidelines.
If you are not sure whether your work is suitable for this journal, please email us at or call us at +1-606-405–6566.
Published : 21st January 2025
Authors : Issa Oumarou BS*1,2, Hama Aghali Nouhou3, Hamani Issaka4, Hamadou Ibrahim4, Simon Azonbakin1, Yadji Guero Laila1,4, Sewadouno Faya Daniel1, Anatole Laleye1
Citation : Issa Oumarou BS, et al. (2025). Study of the Hepatoprotective Activity of the Hydroethanolic Extract of the Roots of Cochlospermum tinctorium Perr. A. Rich in Wistar Rats. Mathews J Cytol Histol. 9(1):30.
Published : 30th September 2024
Authors : Boaz Gaventa1, Graham Martin1, Alok Abraham Matthew1, Lewys Burnett-Jones1, Sanji Lalchan2, Therese-Mary William1,2,*
Citation : William T, et al. (2024). Evaluation of the Most Effective Method of Measuring Bilirubin Concentration in Neonates. Mathews J Cytol Histol. 8(1):29.
Published : 07th May 2024
Authors : Essien-Ibok MA1, George UU2,*, Abiaobo NO3, Mbong EO4
Citation : Essien-Ibok MA, et al. (2024). Evaluation of the Toxic Potentials and Histopathological Variations in Clarias gariepinus Fingerlings Exposed to Ethanolic Extract of Costus afer. Mathews J Cytol Histol. 8(1):28.
Published : 24th April 2024
Authors : George UU1,*, Ajayi OO2, Essien-Ibok MA3, Abiaobo NO4, Mbong EO5
Citation : George UU, et al. (2024). Assessment of the Toxicity and Histopathological Effects of Launaea taraxocifolia Extract on Fingerlings of Clarias gariepinus. Mathews J Cytol Histol. 8(1):27.
Published : 08th December 2023
Authors : Boaz Mwesigwa1,*, Derrick Barry Abila2, Anatoli Mawanda1,2, Tusiime Charity Claire1, Zelma Cason3
Citation : Boaz M, et al. (2023). Cytodiagnosis of a Thyroglossal Duct Cyst in a Tertiary Facility: A Case Report of a 27-Year-Old Female. Mathews J Cytol Histol. 7(2):26.
Published : 22nd November 2023
Authors : George UU1, Mbong EO2, Abiaobo NO3, Akpan II3
Citation : George UU, et al. (2023). In Vivo Studies on Mortality and Histopathological Indices of Phragmenthera capitata (Mistletoes) on Clarias gariepinus Fingerglings in Aquarium. Mathews J Cytol Histol. 7(2):25.